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Support Elmhurst on The Amazing Raise May 5

Elmhurst is participating in the Amazing Raise fundraising challenge of the Community Foundation for the Ohio Valley on May 5. Non-profit organizations are invited to participate in this exciting and challenging one day event. Last year’s event raised more than $300,000. Join Elmhurst and plan to donate $10 or more online GiveOV.org on May 5. Follow the online instruction and name Elmhurst as your donation recipient.

During this `125th anniversary year, Elmhurst hopes to generate funds from a number of events. The Amazing Raise is a great oppoAR Logo (500x308) (2)rtunity to help us by lending your support. If you aren’t an online donor, you may send a check to Elmhurst by doing the following: 

Date Check May 5, 2015 (no matter when you write it before then)

Make Check Out to: the Community Foundation for the Ohio Valley

In the Memo Line Write: Elmhurst

Send Check to: Elmhurst, The House of Friendship, 1228 National Road, Wheeing, WV 26003 before May 7. We will deliver all checks to the CFOV Raise offices by 7 pm May 5.

We appreciate your support!                                                                         



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