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How do I determine the cost of living?

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Please visit the “Cost of Living” page to determine if Elmhurst is the right fit for your needs.(Please hyperlink the “Cost of Living” and link to this page”

What about my privacy?

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One key difference between living at home and in assisted living is having more people around. You’ll have the chance to meet new friends while still keeping your privacy. Your apartment is your personal space, and you decide who visits. For extra privacy, you can request a key to your apartment.

What to bring to your new home?

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Residents recommend seeing the actual apartment you’ll move into and taking measurements. Ask the executive director what furniture is provided, if any, as some places offer minimal pieces like a chair or bed upon request, while others encourage you to bring your own.It’s often suggested to leave large furniture at home, as your new apartment may be smaller, and instead bring smaller cherished items to create a comfortable atmosphere. For items you can’t part with but aren’t sure about bringing, consider using a storage unit or asking family to store them until you decide.Begin packing early. Sort through your clothes and plan based on your new closet space. Avoid bringing excess, such as too many coats, to prevent overcrowding.

Will I need help on moving day?

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If requested, help with the sorting, packing, and moving

  • Listen as your loved one talks about what they left behind.
  • Be helpful even if you do not agree with the decision to move.
  • Recognize that moving into a new home represents a major change.
  • Call and visit often during the first few weeks.
  • Be positive. A smile, support, patience, and understanding are required.

Suggested "Do's" for Friends and Relatives

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  • Read all the materials about Elmhurst before you move in.
  • Schedule a tour
  • Review the paperwork and contract before you move in so that your questions can be answered in advance.
  • Pack wisely. Don’t bring everything.
  • Obtain a list from Elmhurst of suggested items to bring.
  • Obtain a list of policies and familiarize yourself with them.
  • Label your clothing if you are being assisted with laundry.
  • Read the activity schedule and choose two programs to attend early on to meet your neighbors and other residents.

Suggested "Don't" for Friends and Relatives

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  • Make all of the decisions or take over the sorting, packing, and moving process.
  • Focus only on yourselves. This is about the resident moving, not you!
  • Criticize the decision to move into assisted living.
  • Make light of the transition.
  • Immediately talk about selling the resident’s house.
  • Make promises that you cannot keep.
  • Be negative.

Advice for New Residents

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Everyone copes differently with change based on their own personality, life experiences, and circumstances. Patience, support, and understanding are key themes that residents say helped them, their families, and friends with transitioning into assisted living. Rest assured that the assisted living staff is experienced, ready, and willing to assist you with your move. Don’t be shy about asking questions or seeking assistance. It is our goal that your move is a positive experience for you.

Questions? Contact Us

Questions on the facility? Interested in taking a tour? We’re here to help!

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