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Elizabeth Stifel Kline Foundation Donates $15,000

The Friends of Elmhurst is pleased to announce that the Elizabeth Stifel Kline Foundation has donated a $15,000 matching grant to the Friends’ campaign to raise funds for a new transportation van.

“This is a significant gift to our campaign and we sincerely appreciate the Elizabeth Stifel Kline Foundation’s generosity. It certainly boosts our efforts,” commented Anita Carenbauer, co-chairperson of the Friends.

The campaign total currently stands at $23,951. The Friends hope to increase the total raised to at least $30,000 to replace the existing van that is approximately 15 years old.

Residents and friends of Elmhurst have provided initial funds for the van project, according to Jamie Crow, Elmhurst executive director. Crow noted, “The new van will provide a more comfortable access for our residents with a center aisle and two sliding doors. The Foundation’s support of our project will help make this a reality very soon.”

Contributions may be made out to Elmhurst and sent to The Friends of Elmhurst, c/o Elmhurst, The House of Friendship, 1228 National Road, Wheeling.

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