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Elmhurst’s Jamie Crow Elected WV Assisted Living Association President at Annual Conference

Jamie Crow, executive director of Elmhurst, The House of Friendship in Wheeling, has been elected president of the West Virginia Assisted Living Association, an affiliate of the Assisted Living Federation of America (AFLA). Crow has served on the WVALA board of directors since 2012. The organization’s primary focus is the education and training of administratorsContinue Reading

An Evening Under the Elms Celebrates Elmhurst Aug.15

A festive “Evening Under the Elms,” will be hosted Saturday, Aug. 15 at 7:00 p.m. on the lawn at Elmhurst, The House of Friendship in Wheeling in celebration of its 125th year of continuous service to the senior residents of the community. Anita Carenbauer, Elmhurst board member, and husband Frank are co-chairs of the FriendsContinue Reading

Elmhurst Recognized for Patriotism and Flag Display

A special certificate of commendation was presented to Emhurst from the Fort Henry Chapter of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution in conjunction with Flag Day in recognition of Elmhurst’s exemplary patriotism in the display of the American flag.    Pictured, standing from left, are Gary Auber, chapter genealogist; Jamie Crow,Continue Reading

“Treasured Recipes” Cookbook on Sale Now!

The Elmhurst “Treasured Recipes”  125th anniversary cookbook has arrived and is available for purchase. The cookbook includes recipe contributions from residents, their family members, friends, and staff. The  cookbook is a project of The Friends of Elmhurst. Proceeds will go towards efforts to raise funds to purchase a new transportation van for residents. Categories includeContinue Reading

Elmhurst Kicks Off 125th Anniversary Celebration

  Elmhurst, The House of Friendship, senior independent and licensed assisted living residence, kicked off a year-long celebration commemorating its 125 years of service to the community when a newly planted elm tree was christened on its National Road campus in Wheeling. Jamie Crow, Elmhurst executive director, commented that Arbor Day, Friday, April 24, seemedContinue Reading

Support Elmhurst on The Amazing Raise May 5

Elmhurst is participating in the Amazing Raise fundraising challenge of the Community Foundation for the Ohio Valley on May 5. Non-profit organizations are invited to participate in this exciting and challenging one day event. Last year’s event raised more than $300,000. Join Elmhurst and plan to donate $10 or more online GiveOV.org on May 5.Continue Reading

Elizabeth Stifel Kline Foundation Donates $15,000

The Friends of Elmhurst is pleased to announce that the Elizabeth Stifel Kline Foundation has donated a $15,000 matching grant to the Friends’ campaign to raise funds for a new transportation van. “This is a significant gift to our campaign and we sincerely appreciate the Elizabeth Stifel Kline Foundation’s generosity. It certainly boosts our efforts,”Continue Reading

The Salon at Elmhurst Is Open

  Elmhurst, The House of Friendship senior living residence in Wheeling, is now offering residents a chance to be pampered in the new in-home Salon . Stylist Susan Nick offers hairstyling and manicures by appointment in the beautifully decorated Salon is conveniently located adjacent to the activity room on the second floor. “Elmhurst is allContinue Reading