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“Treasured Recipes” Cookbook on Sale Now!

The Elmhurst “Treasured Recipes”  125th anniversary cookbook has arrived and is available for purchase.IMG_2309 (476x640)

The cookbook includes recipe contributions from residents, their family members, friends, and staff. The  cookbook is a project of The Friends of Elmhurst. Proceeds will go towards efforts to raise funds to purchase a new transportation van for residents.

Categories include appetizers, beverages, soups and salads, vegetables and side dishes, main dishes, breads and rolls, desserts, cookies and candy. In addition, a special section features recipes for large groups from our kitchen recipe box.

The cookbook is the perfect gift for wedding showers, birthdays, holidays, or just to treat a friend to great recipes.

The cookbook is available by mail for $18.45 or at our offices for $15. Call or visit Elmhurst to purchase a cookbook Monday – Friday, 8:30 – 4:30 p.m.





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